We are often asked to "check" our ego's at the door, meaning don't bring them into the situation or meeting to adversely affect the procedings. But I think the act of "checking my priorities" at the door is a practice I need to adopt. In this case, my priorities in life are supposed to follow me thru whatever 'door' I'm going thru. But in passing the door, it seems a logical time to assess why am I here? How does where I'm at today line up with my stated priorities? How does whatever I'm planning help or hinder my pursuit of these priorities.
Ask yourself these questions to check your priorities:
“What is my mission in life?”,
“Why do I do this kind of work?”,
“Where is my focus these days?”,
“What are my long-term goals?”,
“What are the important things in life to me?”,
“Who are the three people to whom I am closest?”,
“Are my relationships characterized more by giving or by getting?”,
“Are my relationships characterized by love?”,
“Who would I like to get to know better in the next six months?”,
“To whom am I accountable?”,
“Do I set aside a regular time and place for reflection?”,
“What does quietness look like in my life?”, “
What is the most common roadblock that keeps me from a regular time of quietness?”,
“How might keeping a journal help me to achieve more balance?” and
“What qualities would I most like to possess?”.
It seems like a pretty heady list, but I think the answers could prove very informative. Now I just need to take the time to honestly answer the questions...maybe share them with someone? (or vice versa)