Friday, August 24, 2007

Does Walmart sell Empathy?

So I spoke with my counselor last night.....

He thought the survey from work was great. He didn't think it was worded too badly either.

What?!??!!?!?!!??? goes like this. The questions on the survey (that I don’t' like) all deal with areas that I am admittedly deficient in. So my anger at the survey is based mostly in my reaction to the shame it causes me to feel. And the survey could possibly represent the first hint of real accountability in these areas (at work) for me. (It's okay to tell me what I "should" do; I'll even nod my head a lot in agreement, but don't make me do something about it)

And the thing I lack, the most, is empathy. At least for those poor souls who call the Helpdesk and get me. I do have empathy for alot of people in my life. And I have past examples where I have shown good empathy, but in this area, to these people....I apparently have none. So when the going gets tough, I'm stressed, calls are rolling in....I react like a caged lion to any perceived threat to my esteem. I think I'm over-worked, under-appreciated....isn't that the definition of a Nurse???(I'm not really overworked or under-appreciated) So I need to alter my expectations. They are Nurses and Doctors, or even Secretaries....but they know NOTHING about computers. I have to accept that they will call; unhappy, frustrated, and in dire need of a fix. Everyone who goes to the Emergency room believes they need service NOW, otherwise they wouldn't be there. I have to view the Helpdesk (especially phone calls) as the Emergency Room of computing and have empathy for everyone that comes thru the door.

So, it's goes....oh wait I think I see Empathy in Aisle 7.

I'll let you know how it goes :)

Survey says!!

A Survey was distributed on Wednesday afternoon, via mass email at work. Unlike an episode of Family Feud, this survey wasn't fun to see. It was from the CFO who is my Boss'es Boss. I have included the questions so you can get a feel for why I feel that things here are not very stable, adn why it irked me ALOT.

I can reach the IT dept when I need them.
When IT is not available, they get back to me in a timely fashion.
There is adequate back up and cross training among IT staff in order to provide me with an appropriate level of immediate service in emergency situations
I am satisfied with the speed of my computer when using the internet.
I am satisfied with the speed of my computer when using different applications (Word, Excel, Outlook , etc)
The IT dept has a "can do" attitude when it comes to solving problems.
During interactions with IT personnel, I am treated with respect.
The IT dept is approachable and interested in helping me as a fellow team member
I understand when to ask for a ticket to be opened for my IT issue.
The IT dept actively listens to my issues and understands the implications of the problem from my perspective.
The IT dept gets me answers on a timely basis
The answers provided to my questions are accurate and fix the problem.
The IT department provides instructions to me that are easy to understand.
The IT dept is good at getting back to me with updates and deadlines on projects that are longer in duration.
Overall, I am satisfied with the service provided by the IT dept.

Each of the questions is answered with a
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree.

Each section have a Feedback/Comments field at the end of it. Labeled "How can we improve in this area?"

So I'm not sure if this was a misguided attempt to try to get us more staff, or just a way to take potshots at the IT department.