Sunday, June 20, 2010

Headed to Exodus Freedom Conference 2010

Yah, it's been crazy here, alot of which is my own fault. I leave Tuesday to goto the Freedom Conference! I'm excited, nervous, and hopeful. It's really crazy how this process works, the times when it seems the least is happening or I feel less engaged...God is setting the stage for something to happen or be shown to me.

Thru various means God has been showing me how my view of "recovery" and of "healing" is skewed. Deep inside I want a recovery and healing that 'fixes' it completely. No residue, no regrets from the past, no more mess...but that essentially means I want God to erase the memory of what has happened. And that erases the record of His mercy, grace, love, forgiveness, strength, patience, and ability to take what man intends for evil and use it to His glory.

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