Sunday, May 21, 2006

Walk with me

Lord, I'm struggling with some things, and I have some questions. I was hoping that you could shed some light on this. I've been pretty busy and I don't have alot of time before I need to get back to the stuff I'm supposed to be doing...if you could just simplify it for me...that would be great.

Speaking of time, my first issue is that I never seem to have enough time. I am always running late, the dishes are piled up, the laundry isn't done, my house is a mess, I'm tired, and I can't seem to ever get ahead. What do you recommend?

Walk with me...

Lord, I was thinking you could just give me an answer that I can use now, I really don't have the time to take a walk. Oh, don't get me wrong....I would love to take a walk with You. But I don't think I have time right now.

Ok, so maybe You can help me with this one...I'm having some problems at work, I lose my patience with people, I get easily distracted, and I have trouble focusing on what's important to the task at hand. Any suggestions?

Walk with me...

Lord, don't your understand my situation? I've been trying to fix these issues for a long time now and I have failed everytime to make any noticeable progess. But if I'm being honest, those issues are minor compared my addiction to lust. Lord, this has been eating me up inside for so long, I have sinned repeatedly, I have squandered the grace given to me, I have hurt and disappointed the people around me...I need to be healed from this, I've got nothing left. Can you help me?

Walk with me...

Walk with you? Isn't that what I've been trying to do since I was 17? I have failed miserably, honestly I don't think I can "walk with you"...I have developed a serious spiritual limp, I'm can't seem to bear full weight on my legs anymore!

Walk with me...


Walk with me. You want answers, you want peace, you want healing, you want to be free from your addiction, then walk with Me.

And I think you are mistaken when you say you cannot walk. You have been walking all over the place, just not with Me. You seem to be able to drag yourself far enough to indulge your thirst for lust. You go the bookstore looking for answers, but not to My Word. You go to your friends house for fellowship and advice, but you don't come to me until you are overwhelmed. You get up in a hurry, you go to work in a hurry, you rush off to somewhere after work, then you come home and hurry to the couch. But when I ask you with walk with me, you drag your feet and make excuses.

You want an answer to your problem?
Walk with me...and we'll talk about it.

You need a release for the feelings that overwhelm you?
Walk with me...and I'll be there to take care of you when the pain starts.

You want a simple answer? Walk with me. How can I help you when you are everywhere but by my side? How do you expect to learn from me if we talk only once a week? You are worried about all the mundane details of life the you can't seem to manage on your own.

Walk with me, I know you're hurt, we'll go slow. One step at a time, step by step, we'll work thru this, trust me...

Come, walk with me.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matt. 11:28-29

1 comment:

  1. Wow Brett!!
    That's pretty profound yet so simple. Very encouraging and a good reminder. It's so weird how that realization is the first thing we give up on and the last thing we go to. How twisted we are and how gracious He is. That will boggle my finite mind 'til the day after forever. Thanks for the words. I'd be interested to talk to you about what your mindset was when you wrote this. Many Blessings brother.

