Friday, September 14, 2007

Pop Quiz

I found this "pop quiz" in an article on Crosswalk. I haven't even really had the chance to process how many of these I don't do...but given the last question...does my score really matter? It matters in the sense that I want to strive for a deeper, more abiding relationship with Christ that impacts my life and the lives around me in a positive way. But it can be a helpful benchmark to check myself against on a regular basis and ask, "Am I making progress towards these goals? If not, what can I do differently now that will make a difference?"

It's a tough quiz to pass, but I guess it's better to compare myself against reality than live a meager life clouded in fantasy.

  1. Do I live like Christ is all that matters?
  2. Do I put on mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience each day?
  3. Do I make allowance for other’s faults?
  4. Do I forgive those who offend me?
  5. Do I understand how much I have been forgiven?
  6. Do I let the peace of Christ rule my heart?
  7. Am I always thankful?
  8. Do I let the message of Christ fill my life?
  9. Do I teach and counsel His wisdom to others consistently?
  10. Do I sing to God with a thankful heart?
  11. Is everything I do or say predicated on being a representative of the Lord Jesus?
  12. Does Jesus still love me?

PS. The answer to #12 is definitive, absolute YES! (see here)

# days sober = 5

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